慶應義塾大学学術情報リポジトリ(KOARA)KeiO Associated Repository of Academic resources

KOARA(KeiO Associated Repository of Academic resources)

You can search and browse Keio University’s academic achievements and research and educational resources.
Please refer here for more details.

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You can register an article published in an academic journal with KOARA as a Green OA.
Please refer here for more details.



most accessed items
1st Open-domain dial... (1537) 1st
2nd 石垣島の「エコツ... (612)
3rd Bidet toilet use... (473)
4th 731部隊と細菌戦 ... (470)
5th 新自由主義に抗す... (372)

most downloaded items
1st アセトアニリドの... (894) 1st
2nd Genotype-phenoty... (490)
3rd Potent mouse mon... (477)
4th インフルエンサー... (449)
5th 中和滴定と酸塩基... (433)

